The way people have been treated for making a different choice and saying NO to the jab is almost unforgivable.
I will never forget the way colleagues shunned me for speaking up, defending my rights, and sharing truths about COVID and mandates.
I have never experienced such hardship, such a closing of doors, such shaming, censorship, shadowbanning, and deplatforming like I have since March 2020.
Most of all, I will not forget the silence.
Meanwhile, most of NYC just passed on by ignoring people like me and City Workers such as Fire Fighters and Teachers who also stood up and said NO.
Some of these courageous humans have been blocked / canceled by society and are still unemployed and/or having a difficult time finding steady employment.
How have we allowed this to happen?
How can we make amends for these wrongs?
Every little step counts. Some can start by reaching out to the people they pushed away. Others can offer an apology. Some need a good word / support to find a path to good p…