This is not only unhealthy. It is dangerous and it's creating a great divide.
Cancel Cancel Culture
Hola, I'm Rosangel. Some call me RA.
I am a former MTV Line Producer who has supervised hundreds of show productions, people and written hundreds of Television budgets for VH-1, MTV and BET Networks. I left the industry in 2011 and have been producing my own content while also serving as a wellness activist for my community.
Most people contact me to help serve as a bridge, to hold space, to listen, mediate, host conversations, and help people communicate those tough to say things that are locked up inside but still need a way out.
We find ourselves in a crisis. I believe that most people yearn for the freedom to express, but with so much censorship, politically correct imposed speech, and cancel culture... many are self censoring.
This is not only unhealthy. It is dangerous and it's creating a great divide.
Our focus at Cafecito Break which is a Podcast produced by The Perez Sisters is "The Art of ExpressSo", love, kindness, appreciation, community wellness, and self empowerment.