First time watching/listening, love the Boriqua flavor you're bringing to Substack. ¡We need the spice, mi gente!
I think at 8:20 you mention the lack/decline of brain power in today's world and it reminded me of my papi warning me many years ago, when smartphones & Google maps were introduced. He was annoyed that I was using Google map to get me to my destination, instead of using my brain, like in the old days. He warned me that technology would keep us from using our brains - don't use it, you lose it! And here we are today!
Many decades ago, when Puerto Rico was great, my Tio moved his family to the island and opened a bodega. He made lots of money and later moved back to Miami where he invested in real estate.
I found you through a "note" from Amy Harlib, so glad I followed the link!
First time watching/listening, love the Boriqua flavor you're bringing to Substack. ¡We need the spice, mi gente!
I think at 8:20 you mention the lack/decline of brain power in today's world and it reminded me of my papi warning me many years ago, when smartphones & Google maps were introduced. He was annoyed that I was using Google map to get me to my destination, instead of using my brain, like in the old days. He warned me that technology would keep us from using our brains - don't use it, you lose it! And here we are today!
Many decades ago, when Puerto Rico was great, my Tio moved his family to the island and opened a bodega. He made lots of money and later moved back to Miami where he invested in real estate.
I found you through a "note" from Amy Harlib, so glad I followed the link!
Saludos y bendiciones! Gracias tanto for being here.