Hello Cafecito Breakers,
Beware of the war of words…
We are witnessing yet another divide and conquer moment where people are once again cancelling and calling for censorship.
Since about 2016, politicians and mainstream media have repeated like a mantra the name Donald Trump and have connected it to Hitler, Fascism, Racism, being a Nazi, a dictator, a war mongering leader and someone who would ruin America and American lives.
It was a weird phenomenon to witness. Donald Trump went from being beloved by the Democrats, Artists, Celebrities, and even Hollywood loved Donald Trump.
What changed?
Was it that he switched parties from Democrat to Republican?
Was it that he saw something that many other people seem to be seeing such as the promotion to HATE America, our flag, our American values, our love for freedom, health freedom and the 2nd Amendment for example? (something to contemplate)
On July 13th, 2024 when news first broke that there was an attempt on Donald Trump’s life, some mainstream media outlets tried to downplay the severity of the assassination attempt when they first reported it to the public. These are the same media outlets that promoted what we call “the war of words”.
Yes, there are many questions surrounding the facts that led up to this incident. Some speculate it was a deep state set-up, others theorize it was a secret service failure, while others think this was a false flag.
Here is what we know, had things gone according to the shooters plan, we could have been living a real American nightmare right now.
Please take a listen. This video is from our new Youtube channel called Crystal Sage Wisdom focused on having every day chats filled with simple wisdom and insights from our adventures as entrepreneurs, activism, spirituality, content creating, community wellness relations, and reporting on local events happening in New York.
In Ep 13, our main focus was our current state of culture and politics. We discussed the assassination attempt on President Donald Trump. We also talked about the migration crisis in America and patterns we noticed years ago in the UK.
We chat about speaking with respect for other views and how crucial it is to accept that everyone is different.
Many of our own gente are the biggest folks engaging in cancel culture.
Real serious events are unfolding right now and things are NOT OKAY in the United States.
ay ay ay ….
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