😷 The Great Silencing of 2020 … well it started before that, but it has become so obvious that many Leaders, Healers, Gurus, Pastors, Ministers, Priests have GONE SILENT and continue to stay oddly quiet 🤫 during times where many are seeking guidance. Here is a clip of a recent conversation RA of Cafecito Break hosted with OG Healers / Shamans and it’s also part of what has inspired our upcoming
📣Why is standing up for life, faith, God and life giving truths becoming such a concern that it’s being labeled hate speech?
Love is the greatest force. Don’t let the devils tools fool you.
Let’s continue the conversation.
Tune in.
So many went silent, others were silenced and...
Yet, humans are resilient.
Together we can conquer anything.
Love is the greatest force. You are needed at the table.
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The Great Silencing - What Happened To The Pastors, Healers, Gurus, and Ministers in 2020?